Detailed Information

Information 1

Property Address 21 CATALONIA
Legal Description/GEO ID WESTLAKE ENTRADA Block J Lot 1
Property ID 42402687
Taxing District Solana Public Improvement District
Improvement Area
Lien Release (Yes/No)2
Outstanding Assessment 3 Unavailable for .

Annual Installment
Due January 31,

Unavailable for .

1 As last reported by the County Appraisal District.

2 A property will have a lien release if the property owner has prepaid their outstanding Assessment in full. All lien releases will be recorded with the County and reflected in the following Annual Service Plan Update.

3 Please contact P3Works, LLC at (817) 393-0353 for a payoff quote.

4 Additional Interest may consist of Capitalized Interest, Delinquency Reserve, or Prepayment Reserve.